Title Finance and Corporate Lawyers.
Salary 50-150K
Location UK and International
Job Information

Finance and Corporate Lawyers.

Our client’s Finance & Corporate team continues to grow. This team is a market leader in offshore and UK legal advice. Our clients’ advise 80% of the world’s top 50 banks (Bankers Almanac, 2016) and more FTSE 100 listed companies than any other law firm (Advisor Rankings Limited, 2016). Our law firm client enjoys providing the best levels of service to our clients, in a friendly and supportive environment.

Our law firm client’s vacancies from paralegal up to senior associate. Candidates must demonstrate strong interpersonal and technical skills and have a confident, easy-going manner. For the right candidate, there are excellent career prospects, a collegiate working environment, high levels of responsibility and client contact with an attractive remuneration package and benefits which can be adapted to suit different lifestyles.



Jonny Scott-slater or Karen Palmer
01872 274227
E – talentedlawyers@aol.com
CELL – 07724760904
To proceed with this application Please send two CV’s to us in Microsoft Word, one with all contacts showing the other with zero.