Title Freelance Recruiter, 2nd Jobber
Salary Excellent
Location UK, Europe, International
Job Information

Freelance Recruiter for:


Job Specification

We are seeking to hire freelance recruiters for the above international recruitment businesses.  You will be probably be living in the country-county-state where transactions are actioned.

You will know the economic landscape extremely well, or work for the firm that is currently recruiting.

Once you have sent us the job description with all of the firm’s relevant contacts, email addresses, telephone numbers, and land address, this will be logged into our system. We also need your name, address and all of your personal contacts.

One of our account executives will then take over expertly transacting the recruitment process.

This work will be transacted on a completely discreet basis, you will quietly be in the background, watching all take place.

The ideal job for a freelancer who wishes to work from home or the industrious 2nd jobber freelance recruiter.

  • Send us the job title, specification and salary that will be paid to the new employee, we will professionally transact the rest.
  • If we place a professional candidate in your given job, you will receive 30% of the fee that we are paid, but only when the client pays us.  Please bear in mind that we guaranty our placements for three months, payment will be made to you, patience is required.
  • We charge clients 20% for professionals and 15% of first year earnings for non-professional introductions.
  • Your commission will be paid to you by bank transfer, after the client has paid us.
  • We will always pay you as we want more jobs/business opportunities from you, we look after all of our freelance recruiters, and there are approximately 18 of you currently working world-wide.
  • This is an exciting second job, or a work from home job.
  • Our email – cerinternational@aol.com
  • Please be aware that we will pick the jobs for our website that we feel are appropriate to our business profile.
  • Before you recruit, we need to see your CV.  Please email this document to us with a few photos of you, for ID purposes.
  • Your ID will always be confidential, extremely confidential under any circumstances.
  • It’s a great job, with very little work and no outlay.
  • Our best freelance recruiter earn’t over 56K last year.

Good luck

New Job Administration Team

0044 1872 274227

01872 274227 GMT.